Monday 5 November 2012

"Vive L'Empereur" Statue at Les Invalides, Paris

A photo of the Statue entitled "Vive L'Empereur" taken at Les Invalides in Paris. A fantastic statue which depicts a Grenadier waving his bearskin. The plaque nearby stated that it was made sometime in the 1940's. Interesting as this would have been during the period of the occupation. From what I gather the statue has been moved around quite a bit. I've seen web pictures of it when placed in the courtyard and other places. It currently resides on the upper floor overlooking the aforementioned courtyard. Wonder if anyone has considered replicating it as a Wargaming figure? Might be a nice idea?

1 comment:

  1. A 90mm figure was produced by Richard Almond in the 1980's
