Wednesday night saw a 15mm Napoleonic Peninsular game (Battle of Castalla 1813). French against Spanish, Sicillian and British troops. The top photograph captures a rare moment of outlandish luck on my behalf. A charge by Spanish cavalry against my column of wily Frenchmen saw the latter form square, but faltering as the enemy came in. Normally this would be a disaster but somehow I managed a double 6 on the melee and Paul's Cavalry scoring low. Result was the cavalry became routed, and exited the field. I'll admit that the Spanish troops had inferior mounts and were conscripts (in Lord Cardigan's term: "Knackered tailors on stub donkeys") but I would have still normally been trounced.
Second photo is a view from the French Battery as the British start to bring across their left flank. The game was a victory for the French who managed to press the centre of the allied line until it gave way, forcing a retreat back into the hills.
The army increases. Today I added the flags and finished varnishing my last regiment of Russian SYW Grenadiers for the Zorndorf game. Again these are all Old Glory 15's. That's pretty much it for the infantry, now I have some artillery and as much cavalry I can do in the time we have left. The other guy (Simon) is painting the Observation Corps, Horse Grenadiers and Cossacks that we need.
Sunday 10th saw the Quorn Wargames Club host the Battle of Fornovo in 15mm (thanks to Paul for organizing it!) using our house rules ("Blood and Glory" written by Dave). The Italian army were placed on the left bank of the river, with the French forces of Charles VIII starting in the village of Fornovo itself on the same side. The main objective was to move the French over the bridge following the road on the right bank and off the board, with baggage train etc (which included all the loot from the campaign). There were 4 crossings altogether along the length of the river which could be exploited by either army (but more likely the italians once they realised the French were trying to nip past them). There were two players controlling the Italians and three for the French.
The French were allowed two free moves to push as much as they could across the river, but the convoy being so long it probably took twice that to get everything over. In the meantime the Italian forces, already awakened by the French (or specifically the Swiss) burning down the local castle, started to move on the crossings to crush the enemy in a pincer move. One element came straight at the rearguard/baggage whilst another tried to hit us in the middle of the convoy and a third prepared for a blocking move throwing itself onto the road. Expecting this eventuality the French placed their fearsome (and fanatical) Swiss pikemen at the front, then some cavalry and other troops to screen the crossings as the convoy moved down.
Early engagements for the French were successful, particularly Chris' spirited defence of the first bridge - safely ensuring everyone's passage. Likewise a combination of infantry and cavalry kept the Italians from venturing too far over the second crossing.
However, beyond this point it was to be a huge bloody slugging match as Swiss pike butted into a column of German pike which positioned itself on the road. This combat lasted several turns perhaps helped by some unlucky dice on behalf of the French. Rather than take to their heels the Germans kept rolling 6's ensuring their successful morale tests! Eventually the Germans pretty much fell where they fought and bought some much needed time for their comrades to come over the fourth and final crossing without trouble.
At this point, wanting to keep with the spirit of the period (and reflecting historical accuracy) I allowed Charles VIII to lead a mass charge of cavalry which I expected to clear away a good portion of the enemy coming around our flank. Alas (and much to everyone's amusement) a puny looking line of mounted latches decided to fire before retreating and scored a lucky shot on the king himself! Wounded, he's led from the field and causes morale tests in every unit that witnesses it, rather breaking up my glorious charge and it going in piecemeal instead. Meanwhile the Swiss pike and several thousand assorted infantry have managed to edge forwards routing several enemy units. Nevertheless, probably a bit too late!
We ended there on the conclusion that it was always going to be difficult for the Frenchies. Solid troops but moving and keeping everyone together meant you could only go as fast as your slowest men. The Italians had some good units but loads and loads of third rate militia types, however the speed and ability to use the majority of space without restrictions made big differences. A great game, which had everyone considering plenty of "what if's?" afterwards.
These are my newly aquired Seven Years War Russian Infantry. The models are a mix of Old Glory 15's and Lancashire games. The flags were all taken from images I found on the internet and then played around with in Photoshop. I've managed to finish ten regiments so far which we'll use for our Battle of Zorndorf game in early September.
These are the Knights on fully barded horses I bought from my friend Chris a while ago. It's really just the tip of the iceberg, with around 300 other figures left to do. Nevertheless I'm trying to get the cavalry finished for use in an Italian Wars Renaissance game at the club next week. I'm pleased with how they turned out, even though it was a superfast paint job! I'm pretty sure these are all Minifigs range.